Tag Archives: Kurt Strecker

A big debut for a little group.

Well, after about a month, I have finally put together a motion piece.   Actually two, with stills, sound, editing, the works.  Finally.  Several weeks ago Keith Neltner and Jeff Chambers asked me if I was interested in making a TV spot for the Campbell County Farmer’s Market, a group of like-minded farmers that sell products locally, retail and commercial. Needing some local broadcast options to continue to grow business (and produce), we put these together  for local access channels, as well as potential media buys in the future. As for the spots themselves, “authenticity” was our creative hub around which everything revolved. Using authentic people, real places, positive Mid-America ethos.  Chambers hammered out the script, while Keith put the concept and visuals together.  Kurt Strecker recorded some authentic sound to add some more flavor.  For my part, I spent about three days in Campbell County with my 5D and a bag of lenses, recording whatever fit the bill, mimicking those who I have observed in the past, while still staying true to my roots.  And because the farming community runs from “sunup to sundown,” sunrise and sunset were the best options for lighting, and props in both were the real McCoy (or Neltner, as it were).  Both spots were based on the principle that still images make the best moving images, and details can tell an entire story. I didn’t and don’t pretend to be a full-fledged cinematographer (hopefully in the future, if you give me a chance), but I sure enjoyed the process of making the still world breathe with another dimension or two, and it doesn’t hurt that we enabled Tate Webb and Grant Kattmann of RedEcho Post to edit, color, and apply sound to our spots. Their work is outstanding and a bit of a mystery to me, but they made the concept gel and everyone is proud of what was accomplished. We/I certainly hope this is a road to wander down, and that opportunities will come. It was a pleasure once again to work with excellent creative individuals as the aforementioned who I can learn from and collaborate with in an area where I am getting my feet wet. Please let us/me know what you think, and once again, thanks for looking. By the way, the tomatoes were delicious.


Filed under Advertising, Editorial, Farmer, Jeff Chambers, Keith Neltner, Location, Motion, Photography, Portraits, Real people, Rural life, Television, Video